philipifu 發表於 2012-2-22 12:31

Bang & Olufsen 吹雞

I bet only a few people are using b&o products. {:1_260:}

1. Beosound 9000
2. Beolab 9

Superpaul 發表於 2012-2-24 14:08

Bang & Olufsen 吹雞

本帖最後由 Superpaul 於 2012-2-28 15:26 編輯


1. Beosound Ouverture
2. Beolab 4000
3. Beosound 2
4. Beosound 3
5. Earphone A8
6. Headphone Form 2
7. Beocom 4

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

philipifu 發表於 2012-2-28 12:03

回復 2# Superpaul

    The BS Overtune is a wonderful product ever built. By the way, is the tape deck still operational?

Superpaul 發表於 2012-2-28 15:32

Bang & Olufsen 吹雞


回復 2# Superpaul

    The BS Overtune is a wonderful product ever built. By the way, is the tape deck still operational?

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

philipifu 發表於 2012-2-29 19:02

回復 4# Superpaul

    Hard to tell. I would rather buy a pair of pre-owned beolab 5 instead. By the way, the beolab 9 sounds amazing. Tough choice.

Superpaul 發表於 2012-2-29 23:50

Bang & Olufsen 吹雞

Dream speaker一定係Beolab 5^^

回復 4# Superpaul

    Hard to tell. I would rather buy a pair of pre-owned beolab 5 instead. By the way, the beolab 9 sounds amazing. Tough choice.

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

Superpaul 發表於 2012-3-15 12:30

Bang & Olufsen 吹雞

昨天到舖試聽了Beolab 9,中高音清晰,Bass有點Over,好正,不過未夠錢買⋯

但添置了新玩具Beolit 12 ^^

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

philipifu 發表於 2012-3-15 18:42

Good for you man.

It's really hard to resist NOT to buy one before leaving the shop.I will buy one for my washroom.

昨天到舖試聽了Beolab 9,中高音清晰,Bass有點Over,好正,不過未夠錢買⋯

但添置了新玩具Beolit 12 ^^

Superpaul 發表於 2012-3-15 12:30

philipifu 發表於 2012-3-16 18:35

Yes, the bass of my beolab 9 is bit over as well.Maybe I put them close to the corner.I know there's a switch at the back plate that can lower the bass output but I am too lazy to do so.

I know a few companies are selling pre-owned b&o product at a very good price. You should take a look.The are iconic-av, timeless-av and lifestyle-av

昨天到舖試聽了Beolab 9,中高音清晰,Bass有點Over,好正,不過未夠錢買⋯

但添置了新玩具Beolit 12 ^^

Superpaul 發表於 2012-3-15 12:30

Superpaul 發表於 2012-3-18 18:16

Bang & Olufsen 吹雞

Ha, 我都bid過eBay嘅pre-owned B&O.計過都平過香港二手舖,不過都over我的心水價,所以暫未成功競投。

Beolit 12跟本有心買:),但staff唔清楚iPhone可以remote我部iMac的NAS,我返屋試過係work的!同埋,我少何覺得屋企play既聲好聽過Shop demo :)

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用
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