mild7 發表於 2011-1-12 02:28

依家滿意就 ok 啦!{:1_326:}

chakat 發表於 2011-1-12 07:23

本帖最後由 chakat 於 2011-1-12 07:26 編輯

Int-Amp: Creek 5350SE (PC: AET HCR)
CD Player: CA 740C (PC:古河3Ts20, Audioquest Columbia RCA)
Speaker: Monitor Audio RS6 (SC: QED GSS + ibis jumper)
初頭部CA 740C真是很薄聲,但換了條PC加上Creek便好返D....

szeto 發表於 2011-1-12 08:03

Int-Amp: Creek 5350SE (PC: AET HCR)
CD Player: CA 740C (PC:古河3Ts20, Audioques ...
chakat 發表於 2011-1-12 07:23


wingboys 發表於 2011-1-31 14:12

回復 30# mild7

    1) danny      Creek EVOlution Int Amp
2) Einstein   Creek EVOlution CD Player
3) PKNY         Creek 5350SE before, Destiny Int Amp now
4) elitemak      Creek Desting CD Player
5) mild7          Creek 5350se Int. amp
6)wingboys   Creek 5350se Int. amp,Creek EVOlution2 CD Player


wingboys 發表於 2011-1-31 14:23

想請問1.Creek 5350se Int. amp直上Destiny2 Int. amp
2.EVOlution2 CD Player直上Destiny2 CDP

mild7 發表於 2011-2-9 01:44

1) danny      Creek EVOlution Int Amp
2) Einstein   Creek EVOlution CD Player
3) PKNY         Cr ...
pkny 發表於 2010-4-26 05:28

    PKNY hing, 5350se VS Destiny 差幾遠呀?

pkny 發表於 2011-2-9 17:28

PKNY hing, 5350se VS Destiny 差幾遠呀?
mild7 發表於 2011-2-8 09:44

mild7 hing,

I don't remember how the 5350SE sounds, but you can read my old post:
First impression: The Destiny is much better than my 5350SE in every aspect. The high has more air, and it is more extended. There is also more clarity and detail on the whole frequency spectrum. Bass is more firmed and control on the Destiny, too. The Destiny sounds more than powerful than the 5350SE. The only thing I don't like is the treble is a little bit bright. However, considering the amp hasn't been break-in yet, I think it'll be ok later on.

Now, I don't find the treble bright anymore.It is is well extended with air.

By the way, are you getting the Destiny2?

kkvirus 發表於 2011-2-10 23:37

回復 54# wingboys
1) danny      Creek EVOlution Int Amp
2) Einstein   Creek EVOlution CD Player
3) PKNY         Creek 5350SE before, Destiny Int Amp now
4) elitemak      Creek Desting CD Player
5) mild7          Creek 5350se Int. amp
6)wingboys   Creek 5350se Int. amp,Creek EVOlution2 CD Player
7) kkvirus   Creek Evolution 2 CD player + Evolution 2 Int Amp

Arkin99 發表於 2011-2-16 13:11

想問一下 wingboys 兄, Creek 5350SE 如果加 Creek Evo 2 CD Player 效果對比用一般BDP播CD是否差別很大? 是否真的值得投資一台 Creek Evo 2 CD Player?

wingboys 發表於 2011-2-19 00:50

回復 59# Arkin99

唔好意思,你指BDP是否blu ray 機?
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