Aria Audio 發表於 2022-7-14 10:51

SOULNOTE M3 Mono Block

SOULNOTE Kato's Just This I Want To Say Series No. 703
私がWhy I'm obsessed with covers わ
SOULNOTE has never covered the cover of a Japanese audio magazine alone since I became Chief Engineer. For the past 6 years, I've been missing opportunities 72 times monthly and 24 times quarterly. By the way, I put all the ideas I could in the three series to make a product, which is one of the audio magazines I respect the most, but I'm sinking 12 times in a row. 😭
Well, there's a lot to cover the cover... some people say things like that, but I don't know those rules, and I probably don't think there is such a thing. Ironically, even if such a rumor existed, I don't think I'll show any interest in such things at all. Cause it just doesn't make any sense.
The cover is my face. If I don't put this model on the front page now, I'll doubt its value and value as a paper... and if it's a product that's enough to put a sense of crisis, it'll inevitably make the front page. Because Shohei Otani isn't a paid-up guy to be on the cover of a sports magazine.
So here's a rumor that says I'm still not strong enough. The sound is overwhelming, so I guess my promotion (or being my man 😭) is too bad. I am very sorry for my products and the users who support me.
Well, it's nice to say that there are easy to understand goals. Of course, I'll do my best again this year~
Sugano-san: Looks like that person's Nobel Literature Prize.
Me: That's it ☺️
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