day2013 發表於 2023-3-17 06:01

《LOLA》Emma Appleton, Stefanie Martini

導演 : Andrew Legge

主演 : Emma Appleton, Stefanie Martini, Hugh O'Conor, Rory Fleck Byrne, Aaron Monaghan, Ayvianna Snow, Philip Condron, Shaun Boylan

愛爾蘭上映日期: 2023年04月07日

    In 1941, music-loving sisters Thomasina (Emma Appleton) and Martha (Stefanie Martini)build a machine called LOLA which can intercept broadcasts from the future. While the sisters initially use the machine for small ventures like becoming the first fans of 1970s music, they soon realise that it may hold the key to defeating the Nazis. LOLA proves to be massively effective in shifting the tide of the war, but as Thomasina begins to become carried away with the level of power the machine holds over the future, the sisters soon discover the world-altering consequences of their actions.


day2013 發表於 2023-3-17 06:04

day2013 發表於 2024-1-21 08:35
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查看完整版本: 《LOLA》Emma Appleton, Stefanie Martini

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