mac1 發表於 2012-9-13 22:18

回復 30# hemoss

    As I mentioned, I was also interested in Active speaker and tried the Dynaudio focus 110A yesterday and It's very good! That's why I had an idea not to keep this Amp. Then get the Dynaudio focus 110A instead. Today, I tried the SF Toy One, it's good as well and very musical and have fuller midrange but not as detailed, transparent and dynamic as Dynaudio. Both of the speakers are good but just depends upon the matter of taste. As a result, I think I can still keep the marantz to drive the Toy one.

And Ching said the Maranatz is a quite good Amp and I do not mind to keep it for myself at all!

hemoss 發表於 2012-9-14 10:34

回復 31# mac1
if you are interest to try my pm11s3, pm me... than you will know the different in between pm15s2 ltd and pm11s3.

mac1 發表於 2012-9-14 11:35

回復 32# hemoss

    Thank you very much for the kind offer. I'm surely interested. However, I haven't pickup my amp yet. So I won't ne able to know the different. And it is better for me to set up my system first.

j914 發表於 2012-9-24 13:17

1) amusic SA-15S2 + PM8003
2) aaoo CD-19
3) Marantz PM7003
4) TomC_Marantz SA11S2 (CDP)
5) kennywan SA-15S1+PM-11S2
6) tctc6688 SA15S1 , PM7001 KIsignature
7)te2370 UD5005
8) axgroup CD23
9) tyadx PM-KI Pearl Lite
10) J914 Marantz SA11S2 CD player

Scientist 發表於 2012-9-26 08:33

1) amusic SA-15S2 + PM8003
2) aaoo CD-19
3) Marantz PM7003
4) TomC_Marantz SA11S2 (CDP)
5) kennywan SA-15S1+PM-11S2
6) tctc6688 SA15S1 , PM7001 KIsignature
7)te2370 UD5005
8) axgroup CD23
9) tyadx PM-KI Pearl Lite
10) J914 Marantz SA11S2 CD player
11) scientist SA-KI Pearl Lite

my_friend 發表於 2012-11-24 02:10

1) amusic SA-15S2 + PM8003
2) aaoo CD-19
3) Marantz PM7003
4) TomC_Marantz SA11S2 (CDP)
5) kennywan SA-15S1+PM-11S2
6) tctc6688 SA15S1 , PM7001 KIsignature
7)te2370 UD5005
8) axgroup CD23
9) tyadx PM-KI Pearl Lite
10) J914 Marantz SA11S2 CD player
11) scientist SA-KI Pearl Lite
12) my_friend PM-15S2 (LTD)

ken1388 發表於 2012-12-18 16:40


9spl 發表於 2012-12-29 01:11


adrianly 發表於 2012-12-31 20:54

SR 7007

zidanedc 發表於 2013-9-5 10:47

Interested in thin amp: NR 1403 or 1501
頁: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7
查看完整版本: MARANTZ 吹雞站 (除了AV AMP,因另有吹雞站)

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